To Margaret Mary Katherine Aly-Youssef

Professor, I’m not sure whether you would google your own name, but I hope you would find this someday.

I’m one of your students in Beijing Foreign Studies University, China, in 2011. Please pardon me for preferring not to have my real name written in my blog. I just want to say “Thank you so much” once more. It is such a pleasure to have your classes that it is a great pity this semester is over and we have to say goodbye.

I, just like everyone else, am so impressed by your friendliness, your happiness, your humor, your knowledge on everything, your stories of your wonderful experiences, and so much more. Though many Chinese teachers teaching English want to make their classes relaxing and full of laughter, few of them could wear an Indian-style jacket when teaching the history on Indian people, or get a lovely reindeer headband when Christmas is drawing near, not to mention you have so many novel things such as fortune-telling crystal and Indians’ accessories. Your “slip on a banana peel” joke is the funniest one I have heard in this year 🙂

Apart from these, there is one more thing that would make me never regret for having your course, which is REAL critical thinking you taught me. You give me many new ideas without any silly questions such as “Somebody think we shouldn’t help poor people in Africa because it’s their own fault to have so many children to eat up all their food, do you agree with this opinion?”, which I often came accross on oral classes before. You showed us many truths we never knew and may never know without you. You gave us access to another side (which is unfortunately a dark one) of the US and its history. You let me realized that even the land of opportunity has so much problems and, what’s more importantly, you let me have more confidence in our government and our country than ever.

Humorous and passionate, loving your motherland and our country, seeking for truths, you showed us what an upright citizen should be. You always asked did we learn a lot in your class, of course we did, dear madam.

And I really appreciate your little cute Christmas gift.

Thank you for all your efforts to give us such an unforgettable course. Wish you have a very, very happy life forever.

《To Margaret Mary Katherine Aly-Youssef》上有9条评论

  1. It is so warm that to be remembered and concerned by someone at somewhere around the world.
    Maybe she will never know, but it’s believed the blessing always can be delivered.

    1. I wish I could also be remembered and concerned by someone at somewhere around the world =w= (←zizhong!

    1. 我觉得其实不一定,毕竟四五十岁的老大妈不像是整天上网的新潮人士……不过就放在这里给她一个可能永远不会发现的惊喜吧~(←有很惊喜么?

  2. 话说是印度的美女老师么? ❗ 我拿出了考研英语的全部水平来读这篇文章。然后就不英文评论了,因为你懂的。。。 😆
    Merry Christmas!

    1. 恭喜猜错了……是美国的大妈,之所以姓“阿里约瑟夫”是因为她嫁了一个埃及老公~
      如果没有一堆期末考试等着的话这个 Christmas 会相当 merry 的 QAQ

        1. Indian 的歧义去找老美算账去,隔半个地球的两伙人竟然给同一个名字……印度风格的女装我会直接写 sari 的
          是啊,期末考试是浮云,问题是这次是会打雷劈死人的积雨云 ➡
